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First Year Cleveland

Launching a new era for a critical non-profit

The infant mortality rate in Cuyahoga County is one of the highest in the United States. Of the 13,204 babies born in Cuyahoga County in 2020, 101 didn’t make it to their first birthday. First Year Cleveland (FYC) formed in 2015 to establish a new approach to successfully reduce infant deaths in our community by bringing people and organizations together to achieve social change.

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In December 2022, FYC brought on Angela Newman-White as its new Executive Director, and selected Capitol Partners to lead the announcement. Through stakeholder interviews, a communications audit and strategic plan review, Capitol Partners developed a communications strategy for the announcement.Components of the strategy included audience analysis, core messaging, talking points, timelines and media materials.

The successful strategy contributed to a smoth leadership transition process, and generated positive media coverage for the organization in print and broadcast. Capitol Partners continues to provide FYC with communications support, including issue-based messaging, media relations, and content strategy.


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